Business Anniversary Celebration Ideas

Alliance  ·  July 20, 2021

Celebrating an anniversary is a huge company milestone. By affirming your organization’s longevity throughout the years, your business can show stakeholders, customers, partners, and the community that your organization is trustworthy, reliable and has the ability to remain current by adapting to environmental and market changes. Whether it’s 10 years, 25 years, 50 years, or more each of these milestones should receive the recognition it deserves. 

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of celebrating company anniversaries, and some great website design inspirations to serve as inspiration for any upcoming anniversaries for your company. 

Benefits of  Celebrating Your Company Anniversary:

  • Great time to recognize efforts of employees
  • Showcases organizational adaptability and reliability
  • Reinforces core values
  • Gives some background on company history and origin
  • Showcase industry innovations
  • Expresses gratitude for the involvement in the organization to investors, stakeholders, partners, and customers
  • Allows you to highlight visions for the future

Recognize employee efforts

A company anniversary is a great opportunity to recognize and celebrate the efforts of employees. Without the dedication of your employees, the business would not have thrived for so many years. Recognizing the efforts of individual employees will allow them to understand the value they bring to your organization through new ideas, hard work. and dedication.

When highlighting your company anniversary online, a great idea would be to highlight certain individual achievements that have helped bring your organization to where it is today. This could be done through a business blog post, email newsletter, or mentioned on an executive bio page. You also might want to host an anniversary party, and highlight these executives at the event, which could then be used in a future press release or mentioned elsewhere on your website. 

Showcases organizational adaptability and reliability

A business anniversary is a great time to showcase how your company has been able to grow and adapt over the years, and as a result is a trustworthy and reliable option for the products or services you provide. Over the years, any business will experience changes to the market or environment, and as a result will need to adapt their business practices to meet the current demands of their customers. Take COVID19 for example. Many businesses were forced to pivot to provide products or services exclusively online in order to avoid in person contact. As your business celebrates an anniversary, it is important to highlight the way your business has been able to adapt its business model to fit the current needs of its customers.

One way to do this online might be through a timeline or interview with an executive on your website. The timeline can highlight key dates of any monumental events or achievements of the business, and can include the recent anniversary your business is celebrating. Or, if you decide to include an interview with the CEO or other high level executive of your company, you can mention your recent anniversary and have them discuss how your business has grown and changed throughout the years to accommodate the current needs of the market.

Give some background on company history and origin

A business anniversary provides a great opportunity to spend some time reflecting on the history of your company. Every business has its own unique story regarding the passions behind the business and the problems it hoped to solve. You could use your anniversary as a time to mention a bit about your founder and how the business began. Additionally, you might want to include how the business has changed since it began many years ago to what it currently is today, and what plans are in store for the future.

One way to tell this story online would be to include an anniversary video on your website. Your video could include some clips or images of the founder and the business when it began and compare it to how it is today as it has changed throughout the years.

Reinforces core values of the business

While a business’s values are typically woven into company meetings and discussions, a company anniversary showcases that these values are serving the business well and should be continued for years to come. A business anniversary is a great time to reinforce each of these core values and highlight how your business has been able to put them into action throughout the years. An anniversary also is a great time to remind your employees of your core values to ensure they implement them into their own actions on a day to day basis.

One way to highlight this online would be to note your business anniversary within the “About Us” section on your website. This is where you might typically include your business mission or values, so showcasing your anniversary here is a good way to show your community the importance of these values throughout the years. An easy way to include your anniversary on this part of your website might be through a badge or graphic noting the anniversary date and year.

Showcase company innovations

A business anniversary can be a great time to highlight any innovations your business has made within the industry or to your product or service offerings. Showcasing innovations shows your community that you are a leader within the industry, and always looking for new ways to improve instead of just remaining complacent. 

A great way to highlight innovations during your anniversary might be through a video or image gallery on your website. You could showcase how your product or service began, and the changes or improvements that were made to better serve your current customers. 

Express gratitude for everyone involved in the organization

Anniversaries are a great time for a business to express gratitude not only for its employees, but for everyone involved that has made it successful for so many years. This could include your customers, the community, any investors or stakeholders, partners, and employees. You want these individuals to know that you value their involvement in your business and are a big contributor to your success. Whether it is an individual that has supported you for many years, or a new partnership that wants to see you succeed in the future, all of these individuals should receive some kind of recognition during an anniversary. 

One way to highlight this online would be through a thank you letter to all stakeholders, employees, donors, customers, and the community from the CEO of the company. The letter could be showcased on your website, on a social media post, or sent in an email to your newsletter subscribers. The letter should recognize the importance of contributions made to the business and the impact it has made on its overall success.

Allows your business to highlight visions for the future

A business anniversary is not only a great time to reflect on current achievements, but also a great opportunity to highlight the visions or plans for the future. This shows your audience that your business will continue to make a positive impact and has a desire to continue to make any necessary changes to continue ongoing success.

A great place to highlight your anniversary and visions for the future could also be right on the homepage of your website. This way, any new visitors will see right away that your business has been successful for many years, and has a desire to continue and improve for years to come. You might consider adding an online video or creating a piece of content for your homepage showcasing your anniversary so it gets the recognition it deserves.

Below are a few awesome examples of how to feature a business anniversary in your website design:

Use this link here – Google Search for sites  (find as many as you can that ROCK)

Five Year Anniversary:

Primary Bank

  • Creation of a community donation event as a way for the bank to give back in support of their 5 year anniversary mark
  • Includes video submissions for finalists chosen for the five year anniversary event


Findlay Market

  • Creation of tasting event in celebration of their 5 year anniversary
  • Includes call to action and mission statement as a way to ask for donations as the kitchen is a nonprofit organization helping food entrepreneurs start their own businesses


Cancer Imaging

  • Provides infographic showing key dates leading to the process to launch 
  • Provides testimonials from key individuals in the cancer research community on the team collaboration involved to bring them to their 5 year anniversary celebration



  • Provides reflection of how real estate business has grown over the past five years
  • Ties in business founders and their mission for the company
  • Includes visions for the future when reflecting upon 5 year anniversary


Dale Hollow

  • Includes a background story about how the founders began the winery
  • Includes images reflecting on the community the winery has created throughout the past 5 years

10 Year Anniversary:

Project 4031 

  • Includes reflection on donations with real time donations graphic showing where they are in terms of their long term donation  goal
  • Includes call to action areas for donation support
  • Includes twitter posts from supporters reflecting on the 10 year anniversary


Blind Barber

  • Includes year by year timeline reflecting on key moments for the business with relevant images
  • Includes features each year from notable media companies



  • Full webpage dedicated to 10th anniversary with relevant branding and imagery
  • Includes timeline with infographics about the evolution of the company throughout the past 10 years


Master Craft Builder Group  

  • Includes short summary on how the home building company started and has evolved over the years
  • Includes links to notable awards received over the years



  • Includes lessons learned throughout the past 10 years in business
  • Includes link showing how technology was when the business started and how company has adapted as technology continues to evolve

25 Year Anniversary:


  • 25 year anniversary timeline infographic includes donational support, membership growth, and leadership changes
  • Includes links to videos and story highlights from the past 25 years


Foundation for MetroWest

  • Includes timeline infographic with key dates of new initiatives, donational support, and events
  • Link to an additional website created upon celebration of their 25 year anniversary that provides additional information about their mission and existing challenges in their region
  • Call to action area for donational support


Community Foundation of the Florida Keys

  • Creation of a donation campaign in support of their 25th anniversary
  • Includes relevant imagery and 25th anniversary campaign video showcasing donor support and nonprofit mission


Van Andel Arena

  • Gives background information on the start of the area, with links to images from different types of events hosted such as concerts, sports events and shows
  • Includes link to downloadable 25th anniversary playlist for visitors


MaliVai Washington Youth Foundation

  • Includes real time statistics of donational impact, number of children reached, and donational impact from the last 25 years
  • Includes quote from the founder thanking the support of the community on the 25th anniversary



  • Includes exclusive content, a downloadable image gallery, and videos each day in celebration of their anniversary
  • Includes call to action areas to create an online account and watch their video trailer